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B'nai Mitzvah Parents Prayer
B'nai Mitzvah Parents Prayer
(Please choose one)
I. We give thanks to You, the God of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. On this Shabbat, when our son/daughter becomes a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, we have come with our loved ones to join in worship and to offer our prayer of thanksgiving. Gratefully, we thank You, for the joyous privilege of seeing our son/daughter attain this milestone. On this day cherished dreams and hopes are fulfilled. On this new day dreams and hopes are born. Bless our child, O God. Watch over, protect and guide him/her. Help him/her to continue to grow in body and mind, in soul and character. Keep him/her loyal to our people and to the teachings of the Torah. Amen
II. We give thanks to You, the God of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. We pray that Your protecting and loving care will accompany our child wherever he/she may go and in all that he/she does. Help him/her to become all that he/she is capable of being. Give him/her strength to do all the good things that are within reach. Keep him/her loyal to the best that has been shown, and to the noblest Jewish teachings he/she has been taught. May his/her life be rich and rewarding. May all his/her needs bring pride to us, honor to the house of Israel and glory to Your name. Amen
We give thanks to You, the God of our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. Thank you for the wondrous privilege of seeing our son/daughter grow day by day, week by week, year by year. For the health and strength You have given him/her, for the mind and spirit with which You endowed him/her, for his/ability to elicit and return love – for all those precious gifts, we thank You. Watch over him/her, O God, on this special day and every day. Grant him/her a growing understanding of the true significance of this occasion and a deepening loyalty to everything which it represents. May the teachings of our heritage guide him/her through life, and may he/she lead a life worthy of our blessings. Amen
** You are welcome to write your own prayer. All prayers must be approved by Rabbi Abraham.
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
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