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Hazzan Michael Krausman
A native of Toronto, Hazzan Krausman received his Diploma of Hazzan & Bachelor of Sacred Music, Jewish Theological Seminary, in New York, in May 1995. He is also a graduate of the University of York, in Toronto, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Hazzan Krausman comes to us from Temple Sinai in Hollywood, Florida. Among his many contributions as a spiritual leader, he led a number of family education programs, created a Tallit and Tefillin Club for post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah students which combines prayer and fellowship with social justice themes; and established and led “Have Cup of Coffee With God,” a monthly alternative Shabbat Shacharit learners’ service.
“As a shaliach tzibur (prayer emissary), I endeavor not only to facilitate and represent the prayers of the congregation but also to act as a liaison between the prayers and the congregation. Thus, I take every opportunity to teach and exemplify the spirituality, life and meaning of our sacred liturgy and music,” Hazzan Krausman said, adding, “As a part of the clergy team, I endeavor to reach out to each member of my congregational family.”
He and his wife, Laurel, are the parents of sons Zev and Zach.
Click here to contact Hazzan Krausman.
Poland Journey - Article & Playlist
Shabbat Shira & Reflections On Our Poland Journey, by Hazzan Krausman - Kol, January 2024
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Wed, October 9 2024
7 Tishrei 5785