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General Information

Contact Information
Phone: 402-492-8550 
After Hours Emergencies: 
Fax: 402-492-8520
Email: – Allison Newfeld, Executive Director
Address: 14506 California Street, Omaha, NE 68154

Join Our Email Lists
By signing up for our email lists, Beth El can make sure you have the latest information. Each Wednesday, Beth El News will let you know about our upcoming events. The Words from Rabbi email is sent on Thursdays. Barukh Dayan HaEmet (In Memoriam) emails are sent out as needed to relay funeral and shivah information about our congregants.

If you aren’t already receiving these emails, now is a great time to get started. Contact Allison to be added to any or all of these email lists.

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm

9:00 am – 3:00 pm


9:00 am – noon during the school year

Special Needs
Beth El is fully accessible to the physically challenged, has a special system in place for the hearing impaired, and large print Siddurim are available. In addition, we have many resources available in Braille and Russian.

Do you need a ride to the synagogue event? Transportation is available. Call the office at 492-8550.

If you’re homebound due to illness, you can still benefit from our services. Just call the office, and we’ll get you hooked up to listen to services over your telephone. Isn’t technology grand?!

In an ongoing effort to meet the needs of parents with young children (0-5), we have Babysitting available every Friday evening for Kabbalat Shabbat as well as for our Shabbat morning service. Come welcome the Shabbat with joy, music and song in the Sanctuary while the young ones are safe and secure in our Wiggle Room.

Fri, January 17 2025 17 Tevet 5785