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Teen Leadership Program

Formerly the Madrichim and Merit Scholarship Programs

Now includes grades 8-12

The purpose of the Teen Leadership Program is to engage teens in a meaningful way while incentivizing the most critical aspects of their Jewish development. The Teen Leadership Program seeks to streamline and combine overlapping programs in a way that allows for flexibility of involvement.

Mark Kelln, Education Director
402-492-8550 - Work

Caryn Scheer, School Board Committee Chair

Teen Leadership Program Components
 - USY Participation, Madrichim, Hebrew High, Shabbat's Cool/Shul-ins, Record Keeping

Teen Leadership Program Rewards
- Trip Subsidization, USY Discounts, Cash Rewards

2024-2025 Teen Leadership Program Application

Program Components

Participants in the Teen Leadership Program will meet the following criteria each year to receive the full allotment of incentives/awards:

I.  USY Participation (Participation in each of the following)

• Participate in at least 75% of BILU USY chapter events including helping to plan/facilitate at least 1 event. (Most of these are Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons - a few programs per month)
• Attend at least one regional or national USY convention (A variety are held throughout the year)
• Participate in the planning and facilitation of the Purim Carnival (January-March)

II. Madrichim (Active and skillful participation)

• 24 Sundays at BESTT (9:30 am to 12 pm)
• Assist in High Holy Days Youth programming
• 12 Junior Congregations (Saturday mornings)
• Read Torah or Haftarah twice
• Assist in High Holy Days Youth programming

III. Hebrew High (Wednesday nights)

• Attend at least 75% of Hebrew High sessions
• Participate in the B’nai Brith Bible Quiz (December

IV. Shabbat's Cool/Shul-ins (Saturdays)

• Attend/assist at least one all day Shabbat’s Cool or Shul-in

V. Record Keeping

• Participants are required to keep their forms up to date, updated every week or so.
• Tracking forms will be kept in a binder in the school office, accessible to participants.Attendance must be counted as services are accrued.    

Program Rewards

Participants who fully meet the criteria for the Teen Leadership Program are eligible to receive:

• Highly subsidized participation in the 8th grade Chicago Holocaust Trip
• Highly subsidized participation in the New York “Roots” trip to be held their 10th, 11th, or 12th grade year.
• Significantly reduced rate for the 11th/12th grade community Israel trip, beyond the normal Beth El contribution.
• Free transportation to regional USY conventions and discounted transportation to national USY conventions.
• Discounted or waived fees for all BILU USY events.
• $100 bonus for Madrich/a of the year.
• Merit Scholarship awarded at the end of each semester in the following amounts:
  - 1 Year of Participation - $100
  - 2 Years of Participation - $300
  - 3 Years of Participation - $350
  - 4 Years of Participation - $400
  - 5 Years of Participation - $450

Participants will get credit for years they have already participated as Madrichim. (Ex. An 11th grade student who has been a Madrich/a since 8th grade will start at level 4.)

Lower amounts for partially completed requirements may be awarded and/or alternate plans may be made for unique situations at the discretion of the Education Director in consultation with the BESTT committee chair and/or other Beth El representatives. If participation falls below around 50%, participants will not be eligible for financial incentives but are still welcome to participate in all Beth El teen events.

*This is a pilot year for the Teen Leadership Program. Changes to the program in subsequent years are to be expected.

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785