Our Shabbat Tables
Friday, February 23, 2024 • 14 Adar I 5784
All DayOur Shabbat Tables provides a home-cooked kosher meal prepared in Beth El’s kitchen. We'll provide the main course, side dish and dessert. Shabbat hosts simply pick up and heat the meal while Shabbat guests are asked to bring an item to share (salad, fruit, wine, juice or challah). This is a great opportunity to connect and build relationships with others over a delicious Shabbat meal prepared by Chef Allen
Register by February 8 to participate in the January meal. No need to register if you already registered for the 2023-2024 sessions. One price for all three meals. Single meal pricing is also available.
No charge for new members who have joined Beth El within the last 12 months!
Registration has closed for the February 23 session. For questions, contact Robby at rerlich@bethel-omaha.org.
Food Pick Up: February 23 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
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