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Purim Carnival 2025

      Sunday, March 9, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Booth Sponsorship - $180
  • Game Tickets - $1 for 5 tickets in advance, $1 for 4 tickets at the door
  • Meal Tickets - $10 in advance, $12 at the door
    hot dog, tater tots, hamantashen & drink
  • Combo Pack - $12 in advance, $15 at the door
    1 meal ticket plus 20 game tickets
  • Raffle Tickets - $1 each in advance, 11 tickets for $10 
    $1 each at the door (no free ticket for 10)
       Buy online and save! Online orders due by Thursday, March 6.
Booth Sponsorships
Booth sponsorships are $180 per booth and include the opportunity to choose wording on your booth sign. Other donations are also welcome. All money raised will go towards USY programming.


Game Tickets, Meal Tickets & Combo Packs
You'll save money on your game tickets and meals with your advance purchase.
  • Game Tickets - $1 for 4 tickets in advance, $1 for 3 tickets at the door
  • Meal Tickets - $10 in advance, $12 at the door
    hot dog, tater tots, hamantashen & drink
  • Combo Pack - $12 in advance, $15 at the door
    1 meal ticket plus 20 game tickets
Enter number of 5-ticket packs
Enter number of meal tickets
Enter number of combo packs

Raffle Tickets 
Raffle tickets are $1 each, 11 tickets for $10 when purchased in advance. 

Enter number of single tickets
Enter number of raffle ticket packs


Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785