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Kol Nidre
Join us for the beautiful Kol Nidre service. This is also the final day to bring in food donations for Operation Isaiah.
Friday, October 11 - Kol Nidre
Babysitting Ages 0-Pre-K.....................6:15 pm
Kol Nidre......................................................6:15 pm
- Live Stream: https://venue.streamspot.com/eb28b85f
Candle Lighting.........................................6:30 pm
Yigdal............................................................8:30 pm
Wed, October 9 2024
7 Tishrei 5785
- Holiday Calendar
High Holy Days
- High Holy Days Service Schedule
- Lulav & Etrog Orders
- Selichot
- Sukkah Build
- Memorial Service
- Rosh Hashanah Lunch
- Youth Services & Babysitting
- Rosh Hashanah
- Tashlich
- Operation Isaiah
- Kol Nidre
- Yom Kippur
- Yom Kippur Study Sessions
- Mincha/Ne'ila
- Yom Kippur Break Fast
- Soup in the Sukkah
- Simchat Torah
- Sim Tot Torah
- Bnai Mitzvah
- End of Life
- Simchas
- Live Stream
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Wed, October 9 2024 7 Tishrei 5785